The failure of the capitalist economy could no longer be covered up. This capitalist economic system had indeed succeeded in creating a modern society like today. Unfortunately, the number capable of being raised only a small part of society, not entirely. As many as 40 percent of the population is still in a state income less than two dollars per day. Thus, the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs), UN tries to cope with the poverty reduction target of 50 percent in 15 years. So far, the target was not reached. In fact, this year, it increased the number of world poverty is almost 100 million.
Concepts that dominate our economy today are designed by the capitalists or those who have capital, has the money, or have a property for their benefit. In this concept, man is a factor of production or object, not the subject of economic development. Human capital is the initiator of the owners, agents, and recipients of economic development outcomes. Borrowing the term democracy happens in a capitalist economic system is of, by and for capitalists.

Models, formulas, and results of economic activity, including the performance of economic entities, built by the world of science today, is designed for the benefit of the investors said. Thus, the time aspect terpikirkannya not currently a problem that does not lose big as the problems that have succeeded in overcoming it.

Why is there a failure? This is evidence of very limited human weakness because God gives science a bit. However, we feel that the ultimate truth Knows limited to the area of empirical, rational, and experience that is felt and that makes sense. Apparently, that's wrong. We forget that this world is filled with some containing even the existence of a supernatural nature and can not be solved by man. Economic concept, the concept of monetary, financial concepts, business concepts, management concepts and accounting concepts in fact contain errors and weaknesses. As a result, we enter into the trap of our own beliefs that feel right so as to produce a situation of instability, debacle, crisis, economic and financial turbulence, and destruction of the economic system that we experience today repeatedly with the intensity of the crisis that is getting more complex.

This mistake is understandable because the concept of capitalism is the thinking with the secular ideology that does not place ordained by God as a truth. Capitalists who become as dogmatic truth is clear error. Assess the attitudes of a dogmatic religion and its roots originated from the attitude of the church in the 15th century that established itself as the sole interpreter of the revelation of the truth of God without using the ratio of human freedom which can also reach the truth. The attitude of the church at that time who claimed to be the only source of truth does contain weaknesses. This attitude led to splinter movement from the rationalist who use its free thinking for the 'against' the church.

Now, everyone has learned a capitalist economic system which brings the secular ideology with an emphasis on rationalism, empiricism, and ignore things that are teostik, prophetic, and transcendental. However, it apparently failed to achieve its objectives. The clerics who brought the message teostik, prophetic, and other transcendental teachings already realized his mistake. We realize and see the world's problems are so complex that can not be solved only through hermeneutic interpretation of scripture with the textual and linguistic approaches, without accompanied by pasangannnya, ie textual interpretation or commentary kauniah (empirical) which is a capitalist domination over the years.

Both parties: the church / clergy / clergy / carrier and teostik prophetic truth, a jurist with the rationalist / empiricist / pragmatist / atheist are a complementary pair to be able to work together to solve this humanitarian problem. Both no longer have opposing opinions and attitudes that blame each other until finally getting away from the ultimate truth. Both approaches can be accepted and will be more accurate if the two approaches were combined and diinteraktifkan in a same domain and generate empirical teostik interpretation more accurate. The phenomenon of fusion is some IAIN into university branches of the phenomenon that I mentioned above this. However, since new and still in a transitional period, the direction and the results are not real. Despite IAIN transformation into public universities, which occurred not teostik and empirical combination, but the inclusion of the empirical dominance of the secular in the world that have been judged too teostik and hermeneutics.

Harvard University Forum on Islamic Finance on March 27 to 28 and then held at Harvard University, Cambridge, Massachusetts, USA, showed signs of fusion at the two schools of philosophy. International Forum, which held almost every year since 1994 and now have the time to-9 has been welcomed from all divine religions are there. The theme of Bridging the Financial Communities have the same meaning with what I describe above. Namely, to bridge the two major poles in the dominant worldview today. That is, between the flow teostik hermeneutic and empirical atheists in formulating the financial system more equitable, more giving happiness together, and more bring us toward the divine good pleasure. The presence of some conventional financial figures, interchnage faith movement, good governance institute, or representatives of Judaism, Catholicism, and Christianity under the umbrella of the famous conservative Harvard University shows that there are bright spots toward the construction of the bridge.

One appeal of the last panel session can also be regarded as a conclusion the forum is an appeal and a call for followers of divine religions, the monotheistic religion of Abraham, must help each other prepare financial economic system concepts that could offer a new paradigm to replace the paradigm of capitalist economic system today is already collapsing. Therefore, if a paper is not one of Canada referred to it as an economic system Abrahanomic. This means that the Islamic financial and economic system that has been implemented with a very good performance should also be supported by other divine religions (Jews and Christians). Because all three religions are more similarities than 'religion' of capitalism.

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