In accordance with historical facts, truth and positivistic sekularistik offered by conventional economics had generated a lot of discrepancies that cause humanitarian crises. science is recognized as a free value (value free) is berprentensi to perpetuate injustice created by the owners of capital.

Economic revival of Islamic science is an answer to the need for more economic science humanist. With load moral values of Islam (the Qur'an and Hadith), Islamic Economic science is believed to be able to provide welfare for mankind better. The mustadl'afin who had been marginalized by the conventional economics would lift the worth and dignity.

However, the development of Islamic Economic science is itself not yet balanced. On the one hand, although in some deviations in the practice Islamic Economic development institutions rapidly. While on the other hand, excavation Economic theories of Islam is less and making relatively slow progress. This situation is certainly a challenge and an opportunity for the existence of Islamic Economic science today and in the future perkembangnnya.

Driven by a kind of background above, this paper seeks to identify opportunities and challenges of Islamic Economics to do science as a counter to conventional economics. While providing a strategy to determine the next steps in the development of the science of Islamic Economics.

Some Opportunities and Challenges
One of the biggest challenges in the development of Islamic Economic science came from the Muslim community itself. The challenge is feeling "insecure" or insecurity in the face of the West in this case conventional economics. Muslim economists Kekurangpercayaan myself this must be removed by the mastery of language, culture, science and conventional economic theory. Having mastered this, the Muslims' sense of inferiority can be overcome and the development of Islamic economy will be more elegant appearance. It is precisely from here can be seen, that science aims to overthrow the Islamic economy and restore the superiority of Western self-confidence of Muslims.

Islamic Economics and conventional economics has a difference in the moment of birth and development history. Conventional economics paradigm of positivism and secularism emerged in the middle of the expansion of Western imperialism. Until the end of this science is now used as a tool of legitimacy for penjajajahan and covert oppression through what is often referred to as globalization. In contrast, the science of Islamic Economics reborn as a noble effort to liberate the Muslim nations from the cruelty of an oppressive economic colonization. Based on the comparison of age, no one if the development of the science of Islamic Economics is still too early and searched for their raw form. This is reasonable because it was the age of science a few centuries of Islam Economy younger than conventional economics.

Actually, conventional economics does not take a neutral position, but more dominated by a paradigm that reflects the structure of Western consciousness shaped by modern civilization. Meanwhile, the science of Islamic economy was closer to the neutral position because it did not go after power and wanted the sides of the generosity and equality.

Muslims who categorically accept conventional economics will experience a variety of abuses such as the economic distortions from realistic positions, deprived of its economic roots, and depends on other nation's economy. By using the science of Islamic Economics, the danger of fraud that can be removed. A relatively new science develops it will protect Muslims from isolation and put the economy into a more realistic position.

With value-free based or value free, turned out to reviewers in conventional economics have to keep distance from the object studied. This Brief is a requirement of objectivity and neutrality heralded by Western economists. But really this is only used to hide his lust exploitation of existing resources. In contrast to the Qur'anic values, economists can be more closely Muslims and pro terhadp object it studies. This makes the science of Islamic Economics cleaner, objective, and neutral.

It is true that Islamic economics save huge potential for human prosperity. But economists did not rule out more Muslims to see what was in him than what is in reality. This can be caused mererka slipped into the rhetoric or fanaticism and economics of conventional attack blindly. In these circumstances, the science of Islamic economy will be used to make "intellectual revenge". But awareness and originality can prevent Muslim economist from the danger of slippage into the above.

From the above, there are at least three things that can be done strategically in order to arrange the next steps for the development of the science of Islamic Economics in the future. First, the revitalization of the old tradition that includes the Qur'an and Hadith and Muslims thought the classical economists. Al-Quran and Hadith are the main source of reasonable doubt to the science of Islamic Economics. So, too, could not be denied that long before there was Adam Smith, Keynes, Friedman, and other Western economists, have many ideas of Islamic Economic science born of such classics scholar Abu Ubaid, Abu Yusuf, al-Ghazali. Ibn Khaldun, Ibn Taymiyya, and so on. This long tradition should not necessarily be left in the development of the science of Islamic Economics.

Second, Renewal and development of a long tradition. Old tradition mentioned earlier certainly have a different context by the fact that we experience today. Therefore, the necessary adjustments to be relevant to the conditions that surround us here and now. It certainly made the adjustment should be within the framework of Shari'ah maqasidus. Third, Penyikapan of conventional economics. This action is also intended to contribute to the development of the science of Islamic Economics. The attitude is not called a reactionary and did not oppose a progressive scientific thought in the West. This is intended to create the foundations of economic science in Islam is strong scientific perspective. Here must be able to distinguish between good and bad. Of course keep in mind the phrase "do not accept everything and do not reject it".

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